Isa Seyran


Written, directed and produced by İbrahim Türk and yours truly, shot and edited by George Kolotov, God is Bored, is an arthouse cinema, a hyperrealistic slice of life, a character study, more European than American, with great composition, amazing acting, wonderful cinematography, and compelling characters with little to no plot as it follows a dozen or so characters throughout a regular Sunday. A shorter version of God is Bored was featured on Amazon Prime under the name of Another Day is Over, as part of Amazon's first-ever All Voices Film Festival to great reviews. Our first feature film dives deep into the origins of diversity by asking the question of how different we are from one another or if we are just different trees part of the same forest of humanity, cut from the same fabric.

Here are some behind-the-scenes photos of our cast, the legendary names of Washington D.C's fabled theatre scene working on their craft, shot by George Kolotov.

Written, directed and produced by İbrahim Türk and yours truly, shot and edited by George Kolotov, God is Bored, is an arthouse cinema, a hyperrealistic slice of life, a character study, more European than American, with great composition, amazing acting, wonderful cinematography, and compelling characters with little to no plot as it follows a dozen or so characters throughout a regular Sunday. A shorter version of God is Bored was featured on Amazon Prime under the name of Another Day is Over, as part of Amazon's first-ever All Voices Film Festival to great reviews. Our first feature film dives deep into the origins of diversity by asking the question of how different we are from one another or if we are just different trees part of the same forest of humanity, cut from the same fabric.

Here are some behind-the-scenes photos of our cast, the legendary names of Washington D.C's fabled theatre scene working on their craft, shot by George Kolotov.